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    Главная » Доска объявлений » Услуги в разных сферах » Образования

    AUF. Online образование!
    Предложение | 06.01.2012, 12:10
    Dear Brothers and Sisters! Dear Friends!

    We greet you in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ! We are very happy to inform you about the recently launched education program of our university.

    The American University of Florida (AUF)

    first and foremost stands for high-quality education, professional instructors in science and education, very comfortable conditions for personal and private study at home, but also the individual mentoring of each student studying with us.

    The academic-educational cooperation between AUF and HGEU makes it possible to provide a unique way to enjoy higher education on-line in a variety of popular and prestigious disciplines, on the foundation of clear Christian values.

    Bachelor of Business Administration
    Bachelor of International Management
    Bachelor of Psychology
    Bachelor of Linguistics (Foreign Languages)

    Are you interested in high-quality Christian university education?

    The American University of Florida (AUF) was founded for people like you.
    You receive an education of highest standards and with newest methods.
    You can study at home at times that fit into your daily schedule.
    You have your personal professional instructor who is there for you to assist you during the educational process.
    There aren't set any age limits! Only your personal motivation decides whether to receive a quality education and in-depth knowledge.

    More detailed information you can read on our university web site: www.aufonline.org.

    With Greetings and Blessings,
    The AUF Administration

    Контактное лицо: Kalinina Natalia Victorovna E-mail | | Телефон: 8050 9868405
    Просмотров: 433 | Размещено до: 31.12.2013 | Рейтинг: 0.0/0

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